Data and Reports

Data and Reports

Latest NCJDRSU CJD Monthly Statistics

These figures show the number of suspect CJD cases referred to the NCJDRSU in Edinburgh, and the number of deaths of definite and probable cases in the UK from 1 January 1990.

Monthly CJD figures (223.1 KB / PDF)

Incidence of Variant CJD in the UK

Data on diagnosed cases of variant CJD in the UK have been reviewed in order to investigate trends in the underlying rate at which deaths and diagnoses are occurring.

Variant CJD Cases Worldwide

Figures for the number of definite and probable variant CJD cases worldwide are provided courtesy of the European CJD Surveillance Network, for all cases of variant CJD in the European Union, and through collaborations with other non-EU countries.


Every year the NCJDRSU provides an update on the work of the Unit in the previous 12 months, reflecting the Unit's core surveillance work.